Looking for a car history? Check it here


Vinexpertise.com works under these Terms and Condition. By using the site, you agree with them. If not, please don’t use our services.

In a report you will find:

  • Basic vehicle data, such as model, equipment, first registration year and technical data
  • All information about accidents, collisions, total-loss, salvage and any other damage.
  • Detailed damage description: damage type like fire, hail or collision and thorough description, including the front right, drives and runs, engine starts, airbags out and so on.
  • Previous and current owners
  • Mileage logs
  • Vehicle photos
  • Previous taxi, police, business usage
  • Vehicle registration information and its status
  • Service records

The amount of data may vary depending on the vehicle and information available at solidvin.com.
Once you make a payment, you’ll have 30-days access to a report.
Report data is for personal use only. No commercial use is allowed, including distribution, copying, dissemination and publishing the complete report or parts of it.
Vinexpertise.com analyses and collects data from many different resources, thus data may be incomplete or contain errors. Vinexpertise.com is not responsible for any errors or incompleteness of data. We do not guarantee that the report will be complete or will not contain errors.
Vinexpertise.com doesn’t give a guarantee that the site functions without stops or delays. Vinexpertise.com informs that it depends on other services like payment systems and network service provider.
Everybody under 18 years old should not use the site before the Terms or Conditions are reviewed and approved by a parent or a guardian.